Have you ever noticed what useful lessons you may get while travelling in a metro Rly. Compartment? You can see the intelligent and the dull ; the morose and the lively people; the gentle and the gross; the worker and the loafer. You can notice crowds with neat habits as well as people with miserable stinginess! Then there would be college goers, interns muttering sweet little nothings over their headphones hung delicately from their ears and lips in perfect balance! You cannot ever overhear them. Only their expressions do speak a lot of their amorous overture with the person on the other side. And oh yes! there would be “loud speakers” in literal sense who boastingly deliver their verdicts well! almost on all aspects of life under the stars being ompletely oblivious about other’s need for a little peace. Some few standees are permanently nonchalant, disobeying the safety instructions of not to lean on the sliding doors; yet few standees would be swaying like a pendulum of an ancient wall clock matching the motion of the carriage. And yes, a few passengers would be completing their last night leftover sleep during the journey while others are engrossed with their handheld social media. Thus, even a short trip through the metro can offer you a live face book of interesting experiences from life, if you care to take them..✍️